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Sicilian Dragon

February 13, 2023

The Sicilian Dragon is a popular and aggressive chess opening that begins with the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4...


Sicilian Najdorf

February 13, 2023

The Najdorf Sicilian is one of the most popular and respected chess openings among top-level players. Named after the Polish chess master...


Sicilian Sveshnikov

February 13, 2023

The Sicilian Sveshnikov is a popular chess opening that is named after the Russian chess grandmaster Evgeny Sveshnikov. The opening is a...


Slav Defense

February 13, 2023

The Slav Defense is a famous chess opening that is played by black. The opening is named after the Slavic people, and...


Trompowsky Attack

February 13, 2023

The Trompowsky Attack is a chess opening that is named after the Brazilian chess player Octávio Trompowski, who first played it in...



Sicilian Najdorf

February 13, 2023

Sicilian Sveshnikov

February 13, 2023
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